HR Insights - The Podcast. Series 7 - Do You Need a Career Coach?

Stuart Elliott

By Stuart Elliott


Kate Mansfield

Kate Mansfield

In today’s challenging market, career coaching is a pertinent topic. Today’s resident expert, Programme Director and Career Coach Kate Mansfield, is a familiar face of the show. Kate has previously written content for us and has been a guest on our news episode of HR Insights. Joining Kate is our CEO and Host Stuart Elliott to facilitate the conversation and provide our audience with the starting points they need to have those sometimes feared, career conversations. 

Throughout the episode, Stuart and Kate discuss what career coaching is and the power those conversations can carry. They touched on the challenges faced with internal career conversations and the benefits of an external coach, pushbacks from management, organisations that have good strategies in place to have these conversations and the seniority of individuals wanting these conversations. As the conversation moves on Stuart and Kate chat through The Kaleidoscope Career Model and becoming career champions. 

Kate is a familiar face to the ESHR family, she takes responsibility for designing and delivering career development programmes for CCS clients across both private and public sector organisations in the UK and internationally. Kate is also a Lead Tutor on our open Accredited Career Coach Training course and continues to coach clients individually, thoroughly enjoying working with those wishing to focus on a wide variety of career related issues from career development to career transition. 

Kate brings a particular depth of knowledge of coaching HR professionals as well as those transitioning from corporate life. Kate is also highly experienced and passionate about coaching women to evolve their careers. She is a qualified career coach trained by CCS and supported by her MSc in Organisational Behaviour. 

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Key Timestamps:

01:46 – Introduction to Kate Mansfield

05:52 – Becoming a Career Coach 

07:59 – Challenges with internal career conversations 

13:13 – Pushbacks from management to have career conversations 

17:38 – Organisations that so well in this space

23:18 – Do career conversations depend on seniority?

28:43 – The Kaleidoscope Career Model 

32:00 – Challenges HR face with career conversations 

36:16 – Career Champions 

40:33 – How Kates’s research helps workplace professionals